Jul 3, 2018How to Introduce your Dog to a Cat Dogs and cats… each makes a terrific companion for you, but they don’t always live in harmony together. You’ve probably heard the expression
Dec 27, 2017Pet Sitters & Pet LossIf you have had pets, you most likely have experienced the loss of a pet. It’s excruciating pain for most that is much like losing a...
Feb 15, 2017Why use a Professional Pet Sitter instead of a dog kennel?When you hire a professional pet sitter like you will find with Waggs 2 Whiskers, YOU are going to get a sitter that is 100% focused on YOUR
Jan 12, 2017What do you learn from your pets?These are just a few things I have learned from two of my dogs. I could write all day about this, this may become a series. I have had man